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Title Entry fee Oprating hours Venue
river fishing  Child 5,000/ 어른 10,000  3 tiems a day Sirang stream
fishing net  Child 5,000/ 어른 10,000  3 tiems a day Sirang stream
fire pot  5,000
(Return a refund, 3,000 won) 
3 tiems a day Sirang stream
whole fish grill  5,000
(Return a refund, 3,000 won) 
3 tiems a day Sirang stream
fish bottle experience  5000
(Return a refund, 3,000 won) 
3 tiems a day Sirang stream
old water gun 1,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Sirang stream
catching bee 1,000 Throughout the regular operating hours All sort of wild food Fairground
touching worms and slugs  free  Throughout the regular operating hours All sort of wild food Fairground
making earth worm pot  free  100 people a day All sort of wild food Fairground
Experience of locusts, mud snails, and catching loach  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Wild Fairground
potato steam pot  free  2 tiems a day Wild Fairground
lobster grill/ rice cake grill  1,000/ each  Throughout the regular operating hours Wild Fairground
corn grill 1,500 Throughout the regular operating hours Wild Fairground
making egg rice 1,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Wild Fairground
rice straw slide/log play/ sand playground/ archery/ jungle straw  free  Throughout the regular operating hours wild playground
caricature  5,000/10,000  Throughout the regular operating hours wild playground
mini model plane 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Plant kingdom
bubble playground  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Plant kingdom
water play(water ball) 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Plant kingdom, Sirang stream
free car experience  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Plant kingdom
making mosquito repellent incense  free  Throughout the regular operating hours entrance of the exhibition mugunghwa
drone maneuver  free  Throughout the regular operating hours entrance of the exhibition mugunghwa
nutrition wheel/td>  free  Throughout the regular operating hours entrance of the exhibition mugunghwa
smiling princess snacks  3,000 won and 3 Throughout the regular operating hours entrance of the exhibition mugunghwa
human rights  free  Throughout the regular operating hours entrance of the exhibition mugunghwa
making love postcard  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
tattoo experience  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
make your own tumbler 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
natural flower press 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
doll craft 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
owl key chain 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making spring art frame 10,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
stocking pot craft 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
home fashion hairpin 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making keyholder  미정  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making perssimon leaf lucky bag  미정  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
knot craft, wish bracelet 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
name pin, colored beads  free, 4000  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
face painting  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
woodcraft playground 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
blacksmith workshop  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
bamboo craft 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
traditional hanji making  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making grass frame 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making hanji shoes 7,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making natural dye handkerchief 7,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
make your own ceramic pendant 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
make your own ocarina 7,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
ceramic cup exhibit 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making plant pot 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making sweet muffins 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making cake with rice 10,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
children's playground experience  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
soap and ointment/td> 5,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
making cotton candy with bicycle 1,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Cultural experience fairground
woodcraft tools experience  free  Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
making bookshelf 15,000 Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
jianzi/archery/long jump rope/Pong Hau K'i  free  Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
making rice grain crackers 1,000 Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
old puppet play  free  3 tiems a day The fairground of Nostalgia
little wiFoo tribe experience 10,000 3 tiems a day The fairground of Nostalgia
5 color flower jeon/millet pancake 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
red bean porridge  5,000(소)/7,000(대)  Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
little wiFoo tribe experience 10,000 Throughout the regular operating hours The fairground of Nostalgia
tour bike experience 3,000 Throughout the regular operating hours Wild Fairground
feeding horses  free  Throughout the regular operating hours Mangyeonggang the ecological park
horseback riding  free  3 tiems a day Mangyeonggang the ecological park